Monday 23 April 2012

Evidence of Individual Role (1.21)
My role is chairperson and charity liaison. I do all the communication with the charity to let them know of our plans and then to ultimately hand over the money we raised for them.
I also did the majority of communication between our group and the venues we were going to be using for the evening.
Probably the most challenging part of my role was making sure everyone was doing his or her part on time so that nothing else got help up. For example, making sure George finished the Facebook page so that we could let potential customers aware of our plans. 

Monday 16 April 2012

Sound System Requirements for the Venue (1.12)
For our event, we will be putting on an acoustic show with 2 acts traveling from one venue to another on the same night. This means that we have to have as little equipment as possible. All that will be used on the night is; acoustic guitars, bongo’s, a Line 6 Spider 3 30 watt Guitar amp and a Shure SM58 microphone. We will be using the microphone through the guitar amp. The reason our gig is so simple is to make it logistically feasible. If we had a 1000-watt PA system, then we would not b able to transport it from venue to venue.
Evidence of Designing and Running a Promotional Campaign (1.13)
One of the first things we did to promote the event was to come up with the idea to make a Facebook page. Gorge Cornes (Head of promotion) was in charge of making the page and inviting the people to it. Everyone on the group took it upon themselves to share the page on their own wall and invite their friends to it. As chairperson, I had to make sure the page was finished by the agreed date and time. Sure enough, George completed the page the night he said he would and our promotion campaign had begun.