Monday 5 March 2012

The first thing you will need to put on an event is a team. Your team will consist of people who can carry out certain tasks in their specific field.

Here is my personnel list.

Philip Millward (Me) – Chairperson & Charity liaison
George Cornes – Sound engineer & Promotion manager
Liam – Logistics
Matt - Administrator

Promoter – The promoter is the person who spreads the word in one various ways about an event. For our event everyone will be promoting in different ways.

Chairperson – The chairperson heads the whole campaign. They are the one who make sure everyone else is completing their jobs as well as possible.

Logistics – The person in charge of logistics is responsible for making sure everything is where it is supposed to be on time. This is particularly important for our event as we have 3 venues and we need to transport personnel and equipment throughout the night.

Sound Engineer – The sound engineer will be responsible for the sound of the entertainment for the event. This will not be too challenging for our event as we only have one amp for a vocal.

Charity liaison – The charity liaison works with the charity (St Catharine’s hospice) to get anything they might need to raise money for them. For example collection buckets and logos for posters and flyers.

Admin – The admin is in charge of taking minutes of meetings and organizing times for each show at the different venues.

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